Monday, December 7, 2009

Are All Watches and Luxury Watches Really Created Equal?

I can't say that they are because I don't think this is true! I don't think that a $20 watch is going to have the same value, quality or craftsmanship that a $1200 watch can have. I also don't think that you have to pay $1200 for a watch to find a high quality one. I'm sure this sounds a little self-contradicting, but I just believe that you can have a moderate price for a quality watch that is also trendy and durable! Some of these watches are going to be made of plastic, while others are going to be created out of some really durable materials and textiles such as platinum, sterling silver and REAL leather.

These are the kinds of watches I buy, and I buy for other people as well. If it's a good investment and they are going to get a lot of use out of the watch, then why not buy the best watch for the price you can afford?!? One of the more popular brands are options such as Movado watches! Movado watches are known as being customary in the luxury watches department so this is definitely a brand you simply cannot go wrong with!

Movado is another classical type of geological era Swiss watch company, beginning its life in La Chaux-de-faunds, Switzerland in 1881 under Achille Ditesheim. Movado is the Esperanto word for "always in motion," a phrasal idiom with a double significance. Always in motion indicates the company's timekeeping dependability and its modernized vision. Beautiful customizations, amazing quality, and a pretty fair price as well!

For all your watch questions and inquiries, visit and call our sales department where one of our knowledgeable staff members will be happy to assist you.